We set up this website?to describe the?Renewable Heat Incentive?and the ways of benefitting from it. Follow links at the bottom left of this page to organisations specially established to help businesses and people install, finance and?operate qualifying renewable energy systems and make a financial return on them.
When we installed renewable energy systems at our own premises we had to do more work and take more risks than most people would be happy with. Use these links, and you won't have to!
The R H I is very similar to Feed-in Tariffs, which?have done more than anything else to accelerate the installation of renewable energy capacity in Europe. That's why the founders of Renewable Heat Incentive Limited were so active in the campaign?to introduce them?in the UK. It succeeded and in April 2011 the?Renewable Heat Incentive?will come into force.
Ground source heat pump at Renewable Heat Incentive?Limited's premises in Oxfordshire