Your want to reduce your carbon footprint and your energy bills,

become more self-sufficient in energy, and earn some extra income;

Renewable Heat Incentive?Limited

tells you how a new government measure makes it financially worthwhile


The information source on the renewable

Heat Incentive

Renewable Heat Incentive

The company and this website have been established to provide information on the?Renewable Heat Incentive?being introduced in the UK for low carbon heat and gas with effect from April 2011.


Find out what it is and how?to benefit.


To contact Renewable Heat Incentive Limited


Request more details,?or




To benefit from the RHI:

At?home click >


Residential landlords >

Business landlords >

Builders >

Employers >

Farm & landowners?>

Local authorities >

Membership bodies >

Schools & hospitals?>


Data admin

We set up this website?to describe the?Renewable Heat Incentive?and the ways of benefitting from it. Follow links at the bottom left of this page to organisations specially established to help businesses and people install, finance and?operate qualifying renewable energy systems and make a financial return on them.

When we installed renewable energy systems at our own premises we had to do more work and take more risks than most people would be happy with. Use these links, and you won't have to!

The R H I is very similar to Feed-in Tariffs, which?have done more than anything else to accelerate the installation of renewable energy capacity in Europe. That's why the founders of Renewable Heat Incentive Limited were so active in the campaign?to introduce them?in the UK. It succeeded and in April 2011 the?Renewable Heat Incentive?will come into force.

Ground source heat pump at Renewable Heat Incentive?Limited's premises in Oxfordshire

Renewable Heat Incentive?- the highlights

  • Earn a regulated income from every kilowatt hour of heat produced

  • Tariff level set by government - based on technology and size

  • Comes into force April 2011

  • Most renewable heat qualifies
  • Household and business users
  • No maximum size

  • Tariffs for biogas injection to gas grid

Latest announcements:

Further details announced

1st Feb 2010 - see here


Watch out for new website with?more details later in?Feb


This website

    The consultation on the design of the RHI is now out as shown here. There are also strong parallels with the design of the Feed-in Tariffs, further described here.


    Use the tabs above or the hyperlinks here to get details of:

    • Which renewable sources qualify

    • The tariff paid for each technology

    • How to get a system and claim tariffs

    • Lots of questions answered

    • Asking questions that aren't listed

    • Details of the legislation (and all the other stuff you shouldn't need to know)

    • Links to organisations that'll do it all for you (see on the left)


    Our associate company?Feed-in Tariffs?Limited has established a similar website for the equivalent measure to support renewable electricity.

    Copyright ® 2009?Renewable Heat Incentive?Limited?