The information site for the forthcoming guaranteed payments for renewable heat
Renewable Heat Incentive Limited has created this site to provide information about a new government scheme to pay you if you produce renewable heat.
There's also a scheme for renewable electricity.
Whether you are a previous visitor or this is your first time on our site, we hope you like it!
It now contains even more details on the Renewable Heat Incentive as well as a new look and feel which we hope makes it easier for you to find all the information you are looking for.
For the average household using 15,000kW of heat a year, the Renewable Heat Incentive will provide the following benefits if solar thermal panels and a biomass boiler were installed:
13,700kW of heat generated paying the homeowner £1,400 a year (the kW difference being made up through energy efficiency measures such as insulation)
Biomass fuel costs could be as much as £575 per year
Therefore the total annual benefit is £825 per year
You want to reduce your carbon footprint and your energy bills, become more self-sufficient in energy, and earn some extra income. The Renewable Heat Incentive is a new Government-backed measure being introduced in 2011 to make it worth your while to produce renewable heat.
The Renewable Heat Incentive is still being designed (see here), so all the details described in this website are provisional and may change.
You earn a fixed income for every kilowatt hour of heat you produce. This is likely to be used in your own property, but if you are lucky enough to be connected to a heat network you could get an additional payment for 'exporting' surplus heat.
Many renewable systems produce all the heat you need, so you can consign your old oil-fired, gas or coal boiler to the scrap heap and wave goodbye to fuel bills. Some renewable heat systems might leave your old boiler in as back-up. Even then your heating fuel bills should be greatly reduced.
Renewable electricity has its own similar tariff mechanism - see here.
For further information on the Renewable Heat Incentive see our Idiot's Guide or look at the detailed pages listed below.
All content © RH Incentive Ltd. Web design & development by Generate.