How is biogas injection to be metered?
By measuring the volume of gas injected and its calorific value
Chapter 7 of the government’s RHI announcement says
Metering of biogas and biomethane injection to the gas network
Biomethane producers who wish to receive RHI support will be required to measure to Ofgem’s satisfaction the volume and gross calorific value of biomethane injected to the gas network and convert the resulting measurements to a kWhth figure. Measurement of the volume and gross calorific value of any propane added to the biomethane is also required. The biomethane producer claiming the RHI will be required to measure any external heat input to the biogas plant which made the biogas used to produce biomethane (such as heat from natural gas or other renewable heat technologies). The RHI participant will have to deduct these elements from the meter reading and provide the cumulative kWhth figure to Ofgem together with details of all individual measurements.