Feed In Tariffs

The information site for the forthcoming guaranteed payments for renewable heat

Specifying your location

How to pinpoint the exact latitude and longitude of your site. We will need this to register for the RHI.

You can easily get the latitude and longitude of your address on the internet.

Map showing postcode

Go to google maps(http://maps.google.co.uk/) and type your postcode into the search bar. A pointer will appear at the centre of this postal area.

Pan and zoom as required until you can clearly see your building. Place your mouse on the centre of the building and right click. Select 'What's here?'.

A green arrow will appear on your building and the coordinates we need will be displayed in the search bar (e.g. 51.502046, -0.092804). Actually we only need 4 or 5 decimal places, but it's easiest to cut and paste the figures you get.

Map showing grid references

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