Our supplier partnerships
Equipment installers and fuel suppliers are now working with us to offer our expert and cost-effective support to their customers
Let's face it, the RHI is a fairly complex mechanism, and Ofgem can be expected to administer it rigorously. Anyone who has experience of registering installation on the RO or the ROO-FIT register will know that their processes will prove daunting to the inexperienced.
Add to that the fact that system owners cannot assign others to do this for them. The result will be that most customers will need to lean heavily on their installers, fuel suppliers or other experts to help with the task.
That's why we set up this service, and by handling applications on behalf of thousands of clients, we are able to do it very cost effectively. If you want to work with us on either of the two approaches described below, please .
How installers can offer registration support to their customers
Customers buying an RHI-eligible installation will want an efficient and undemanding route to getting it registered. Our service gives them just that.
By putting your customers in touch with us you will be helping them, and avoid getting bogged down in a mass of bureaucracy yourselves. You will need to supply details of the installation, but we will carry the burden of 'translating' this for Ofgem and getting it onto their portal. There are two ways you might want to do this:
Either (a) Include the registration support service as part of your contract
We have a fully transparent fee structure, so you can easily work out what the fee would be for any installation. You can then include this in your sales contract with your customer. Simply pay the fee over to us (less 10% for yourselves) and we'll do the legwork as usual. For example:
We have an arrangement with the regulatory experts Renewable Heat Incentive Limited (RHIL), who provide a specialist support service to help you through the administrative process of registering this installation for the RHI with the energy regulators Ofgem. Our offer to you includes this service and we will refer your project to RHIL at the appropriate juncture.
Or (b) Simply refer the customer to our service
Alternatively put the customer in touch with us and they can engage and pay us directly for the service:
Your system is eligible for the RHI, but will need to be accredited before you can claim. We are not allowed to do this for you, but can recommend the regulatory experts Renewable Heat Incentive Limited (RHIL), who provide a specialist support service to help you through the administrative process of registration with the energy regulators Ofgem.
How fuel suppliers can offer registration support to their customers
Biomass fuel suppliers are similarly being asked by their customers to help with RHI registration.
In principle the same two options as available to installers above can also be adopted.