The fees structure for our RHI registration support service
This is how our service fees are calculated
Fee basis
All fees are rounded down to the nearest £5, and subject to VAT at the prevailing rate
Flat fee
We charge a fixed fee of £65.00 for each system registered.
Systems larger than 12kWth - tariff related fee
For systems over 12kW, we add 2.95% of the nominal annual tariff to the flat fee.
For more complex systems - extra factor
The following multipliers are applied:
- 1.25 for installations that use biomass fuels (i.e. biomass and biogas systems), because these systems require additional work to qualify the fuels used; and
- 1.20 for installations over 1MW or with 'complex metering', because there is more work in registering all the meters and detailing the system configuration
Some examples
A 10kW ground source heat pump
- The flat fee of £65 + VAT applies.
A 20kW ground source heat pump
- The flat fee of £65;
- plus 1.35% of nominal tariff (20 x £0.045p x 1,314 = £1,182.60 per annum).
- This comes to £65 + £15.97, so is rounded down to £80 + VAT
A 20kW biomass boiler
- The flat fee of £65;
- plus 2.95% of nominal tariff (20 x £0.079p x 1,314 = £2,076.12 per annum);
- multiplied by 1.25, because of the biomass fuel.
- This comes to 1.25 x (£65 + £61.25) = £157.81, so is rounded down to £155 + VAT
A 1.5MW geothermal heating system
- The flat fee of £65;
- plus 2.95% of nominal tariff (1500 x £0.032p x 1,314 = £63,072.00 per annum);
- multiplied by 1.20, because of the metering requirements of systems over 1MW.
- This comes to 1.20 x (£65 + £1,860.62) = £2,310.75, so is rounded to £2,310 + VAT
Nominal annual tariff
We're trying to keep things simple (when you've read this far, it may not seem like it!)
We therefore base the annual tariff level on a fixed estimate of the system usage. This is the same factor that the government has used in setting the tiered tariffs.
The nominal tariff is calculated as follows:
= the size of the system in kW
x the tariff applicable to that system size*
x the usage factor of 1,314 hours per year
* where this is a tiered tariff, the Tier 1 tariff is used.