Feed In Tariffs

The information site for the forthcoming guaranteed payments for renewable heat

The fees structure for our RHI registration support service

This is how our service fees are calculated

Fee basis

All fees are rounded down to the nearest £5, and subject to VAT at the prevailing rate

Flat fee

We charge a fixed fee of £65.00 for each system registered.

Systems larger than 12kWth - tariff related fee

For systems over 12kW, we add 2.95% of the nominal annual tariff to the flat fee.

For more complex systems - extra factor

The following multipliers are applied:

Some examples

A 10kW ground source heat pump

A 20kW ground source heat pump

A 20kW biomass boiler

A 1.5MW geothermal heating system

Nominal annual tariff

We're trying to keep things simple (when you've read this far, it may not seem like it!)

We therefore base the annual tariff level on a fixed estimate of the system usage. This is the same factor that the government has used in setting the tiered tariffs.

The nominal tariff is calculated as follows:

= the size of the system in kW

x the tariff applicable to that system size*

x the usage factor of 1,314 hours per year

* where this is a tiered tariff, the Tier 1 tariff is used.

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