Feed In Tariffs

The information site for the forthcoming guaranteed payments for renewable heat


Is combined heat and power (CHP) eligible?

The heat element, where it is produced from eligible renewables, will be supported by the RHI.

Chapter 4 of the government’s RHI announcement says

Renewable combined heat and power (CHP)

Heat produced from renewable combined heat and power plants will be eligible for the RHI, where the fuel or technology used is eligible for support under the scheme. This will apply to biomass (including municipal solid waste), biogas and geothermal installations. CHP will have to meet the eligibility criteria for the equivalent dedicated heat technology (e.g. biomass CHP will have to meet the biomass eligibility criteria). CHP installations will not need to meet the CHPQA standard in order to claim the RHI as we do not propose to give preferential treatment to CHP plants under the scheme. The Government believes the RHI will be a sufficient incentive to optimise generation of heat from CHP.

Where a renewable electricity generating plant converts to heat capture to become a CHP plant, the part of the plant generating heat will be eligible for accreditation, provided it meets all the other eligibility criteria of the scheme.