Feed In Tariffs

The information site for the forthcoming guaranteed payments for renewable heat

Tariff degression

Tariffs may be lower for people who start later in the scheme

Once a system has been installed and registered for the Feed-In Tariffs, the tariff levels are fixed and subject only to index-linking for inflation as described in our information on duration and variations.

What is degression?

Some technologies are expected to get cheaper as volumes build in the future, so the Government has decided to adjust some tariff levels for systems installed in future years. This principle has been established for the Feed-In Tariffs, where the degression levels have been published annually to 2020 as detailed here.

How does it apply to the RHI?

The government wants to adopt a different approach for the RHI, which isn't preset by date, but is triggered by deployment levels.

The proposed approach was set out in the government's February 2013 response to the July 2012 consultation. The main aspects are:

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